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What is the best alternative to Adderall and Ritalin in the UK?

adderall and ritalin alternative

The following blog post will look into the Modafinil vs Ritalin vs Adderall debate, and will serve to illuminate readers on the fact that although these drugs are similar, that one is much more potent for long term use, one has far less in the way of excess side effects and addiction risks, and one gives just as much mental focus as something like Ritalin does, but with less than half of the side effects, *hint, the answer is Modafinil! Which is the best alternative to Adderall and Ritalin in the UK? The following blog post will look into the debate of Modafinil vs Ritalin, and will serve to illuminate to the reader how each drug works, and which drug is better and why. Most readers should also be acutely aware that both of these drugs are often times stacked with a hoard of other similar and related Nootropics and brain enhancing Smart Drugs in order to improve brain power, energy levels and overall cognition, among these include the following brain enhancers:




Modafinil vs RitalinPramiracetam













CDP Choline

Alpha GPC Choline


And a host of other similar and related Smart Drugs, read on for additional details.

Modafinil vs Ritalin with Regards to Addiction, Withdrawal and Overdose Risks

When we are talking about the debate between Modafinil and Ritalin, it is super important to keep in mind that these are really two completely different drugs, with one of them (Ritalin) being used for ADD, ADHD and extreme cases of Narcolepsy and obesity, and with Modafinil, being used more for Narcolepsy, COSA, daytime fatigue and sleepiness caused by insomnia, and a host of other related sleeping disorders. Ritalin, by this respect, is actually a much harsher and more addictive substance, and you will find loads of review logs on the internet explaining why Ritalin is super addictive, why it is very dangerous and why the subject is so misused and abused,and of why the drug really should not be taken over the long term, even in those that are prescribed the drug, for more information on this type of research regarding Ritalin use and abuse, checkout the following research links:

Modafinil on the other hand, is actually the far safer drug out of these two compounds, and in fact Modafinil addiction is something that is extremely rare and that really is difficult to succumb to, just given the functional nature of Modafinil.

Modafinil vs Ritalin, Which is the Safer and Better Alternative to Adderall and Ritalin in the UK Overall?

Modafinil, Modafinil and Modafinil again, it is safer, lasts way longer than Ritalin does (Ritalin is actually very well known for being a type of drug that users will take multiple times each day because its duration is just so short), and has way less side effects and addictiveness than Ritalin does. For Ritalin, the drug usually lasts around three to four hours at a time depending on your tolerance to the drug and of how much you take, with Modafinil, the drug can last from 8 to 15 hours depending on tolerance, with an average duration of action of over twelve hours at a time! Modafinil is one of the most powerful Nootropics currently available for sale in the online market, if not THE most powerful, and really puts other ADD and ADHD psychostimulant medications to shame with regards to how powerful, long acting and safe it is as a stimulant drug.

Ritalin is Technically a Stimulant and Modafinil is Technically a “Wakefulness Promoting Drug” But why Does This Matter?

It matters because of one word and one word only, addictiveness. Because Ritalin is a stimulant, it is actually freakishly addictive when looking at the general scope of other medications that people are going to be using, has an extremely high potential for abuse, and is something of an amphetamine based drug, contributing to all sorts of mental and physical side effects over both the short and long term. As far as Modafinil is concerned, while it certainly has some certain properties of a stimulant drug, as far as focus, mood, memory and general euphoria, the drug absolutely does not cause anything close to the same problems and issues that Ritalin, Adderall or other ADHD medications do as far as tweaking, drug abuse, weight loss, loss of appetite, and a host of other nasty symptoms. Modafinil just recently had research done on it saying that Modafinil is the “world’s first safe Smart Drug,” due to how potent it is, with how few side effects it carries alongside it, it is strong and efficient, and great for long term and regular use if used responsibly.

Adderall in comparison to Modafinil

In this day and age competition in all fields is strong, fierce, and can even turn deadly, if certain rules and regulations aren’t enforced. Business men and women, college and high school students, and even your average person on the street have a strong desire to succeed at all cost.

To gain that edge many individuals turn to what is called smart drugs. The top of the line are Modafinil and Adderall. People turn to these drugs in order to increase their motivation, attention span, and even wakefulness. Now these two drugs are utilized for multiple purposes by psychiatrists and physicians, for various cognitive impairments, (ADHD), and patients diagnosed with narcolepsy.

As you read through this communication, you will realize that Adderall in comparison to Modafinil, has various similarities. However, even though these two drugs are alike in many aspects, there are significant differences between their effects and attributes. Each drug has beneficial qualities, they also have potential side effects, which will be addressed in the communication. First, you will be furnished with a little background information about these unique drugs.

What is it? Adderall in Comparison to Modafinil

Adderall is a prescribed psychostimulant which promotes scheduled releases of catecholamines (or dopamine, and norepinephrine) and to a smaller degree serotonin in the brain. People labeled with attention-deficit hyperactivity are calmed down by the drug Adderall, also Adderall is utilized as a more joy stimulating and mood-elevating drug in healthy individuals. Adderall’s positive effects are enhanced motivation executive functions, goal-oriented behavior, concentration, and organization.

It is also a psycho stimulant drug used in the treatment of (ADHD) and narcolepsy. In addition to being used as a performance and cognitive enhancer, it is also used as a recreational aphrodisiac, and as an operand. This drug works by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitters, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the brain. Adrafinil, is also a safe alternative to Adderall and Ritalin in the UK.

Modafinil is an alerting promoting agent that enhances physical arousal. It is often called NZT 48 from the Limitless movie. Evidence suggests that modafinil improves cognitive functions, elated moods in healthy subjects, and activates physical and mental arousal. Recent evidence has been proposed that modafinil enhances working memory, impulse control, vigilance, sustained attention and other cognitive parameters in healthy controlled subjects. Modafinil has been a catalyst for prolonged exercise time for athletics.

Many athletics were discovered allegedly using it as a performance enhancing doping agent. Going from that extreme, it has helped post-chemotherapy cognitive impairments in chemo patients. Modafinil’s parent drug are approved, and compared to it in extended usage cases, modafinil has reduced side effects in the area of anxiety, skin irritation, elevated liver enzymes, and stomach pains.

Dosages – Adderall in Comparison to Modafinil

Based on a cross sectional study, the average dosages of modafinil are from 100 mg to 200 mg tablets twice daily. Everyone has different metabolisms and saturation points, when dealing with drugs. The longer the duration of usage the higher the tolerance level. It is usually recommended that a person start out with the 100 mg tablet, then work your way up, if needed. A high tolerance level can get up to 400 mg per day. On the flip side, 20 mg three times per day of adderall seems to be the safe starting dosage. This drug seems to have more side effects than the modafinil. In any case, if you are under a doctor’s care, it’s best to follow instructions.

Side Effects

Each drug has some of the same and many different individual side effects. Depending on how you may react to either of these drugs is an important criteria to examine. Modafinil side effects include headaches, dizziness, nervousness, or agitation, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, and dry mouth conditions.

Adderall side effects include headaches, weakness, dizziness, blurred vision, feeling restless, irritable or agitated, insomnia, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, hair loss, loss of appetite, personality changes, hypertension, and Reynaud’s syndrome (impaired circulation to the extremities).


Quite frequently Modafinil is utilized to treat depression, sedation and fatigue, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, myotonic dystrophy, and fatigue in primary biliary cirrhosis. Many undiagnosed individuals like it because it has an appetite reducing and weight loss effect on their bodies. In addition to this, there are results that Modafinil brought back normal learning ability levels in methamphetamine addicts.


Starting with Modafinil, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved this drug in 1998, for narcolepsy. Also in 2003 it was utilized in hypopnea cases, sleep apnea cases, and to promote help for various shift work sleep disorders. Also, It has been reported to reduce jet lag, plus increase subjective mood and friendliness among shift workers.

Adderall will help control (ADHD), narcolepsy, obesity, and depression. Also, One usually experiences enhances arousal, increased motivation, more goal oriented behavior, intense focus, task salience, and better mood modification.

Modafinil smooths out the excessive daytime sleepiness caused by narcolepsy, helps with shift work sleep disorder, helps obstructive sleep apnea, and helps control (ADHD) disorders of fatigue like fibromyalgia. In addition to what was just mentioned, it will promote wakefulness, mood elevation, plus arousal and concentration.

Long and Short Term Effects

Modafinil cannot be legally purchased or consumed without a prescription in the US, because the effects of its long term use are not known. Most of what we know about this drug pertains to its official use as a treatment for narcolepsy. All long term side effects and benefits for use as a cognitive enhancer are largely anecdotal. However, we do know that short term side effects could include headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, and anxiety. Whether or not any of these symptoms persist into chronic conditions is not clear. More research needs to be done.

There are serious cause and effect relationships, using Adderall over an extended period of time. It can increase the risk of serious cardiovascular problems and even the possibility of strokes. There are also significant mental health issues associated with the long-term use of Adderall, such as extreme depression, suppressed hostility and paranoia. In children, protracted use of Adderall may inhibit their growth potential.

Research – History – Stacks – Adderall in Comparison to Modafinil

People feel a need to compare Adderall and Modafinil, almost like they compare the New York Yankees and the New York Mets or the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox’s. I was interested in comparing the two drugs because they both seem to have the strongest mood-elevating effects. A generalization surmised from Modafinil use is that it just makes you forget that you’re tired. All boosts that came from Modafinil, simply arrived from not feeling exhausted. When you get right down to it, it’s like comparing apples to oranges. They’re not analogous in so much as an amphetamine is a psycho stimulant whereas Modafinil is a wakefulness enhancer.

Generalizing from a credible sample of users, Adderall improved more functions, generated more motivation, and was the first reason many individuals started taking Adderall instead of starting a stack. Different stacks will provide different benefits. However, you must know what works well together or you are headed for danger.

Final Thoughts on This – A User’s Personal Testimonial: I used Mdafinil and it worked great for me, but I talked to other students like myself who used it and three individuals told me that it didn’t even help. Personally, I feel that Modafinil’s prescribed dosages (100-200mg) sets up an active treatment model. If you try to utilize above 400 mg a day, you are headed for deep trouble. Adderall is OK but not my choice! Modafinil by far is the best alternative to Adderall and Ritalin in the UK.


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