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Nootropics UK Modafinil Piracetam Noopept Adrafinil Tianeptine

Nootropics uk modafinil

What Are Nootropics?

Nootropics are growing popularity in the UK. Often we call them smart drugs, and one of the most popular drugs is nootropics uk modafinil. The term nootropic was coined by Corneliu E. Giurgea who also synthesized Piracetam in 1964. According to him, a nootropic should contain the following characteristics
They should have the ability to enhance learning and memory.
They should improve the resistance of learned memories and behaviours.
They should be capable of protecting the brain against various injuries.
They should have the effect of increasing cortical/subcortical mechanisms.
They should not exhibit the pharmacological effects of psychotropic drugs.
They should be low in toxicity and low in side effects.

In short, nootropic drugs, neutraceuticals, and functional foods are those which help in the enhancement of concentration and memory while at the same time have qualities of being neuroprotective. They should also be relatively non-toxic or not at all.
Cognitive enhancing supplements and nootropics uk modafinil, piracetam, noopept e.t.c. can be in the form of certain vitamins, supplements or herbs like ginkgo biloba. The effects of nootropics have been continuously studied and proven to be effective in many areas of brain health and memory support. Of all the cognitive enhancing supplements, the racetam family seem to be of the most promising. Today, many racetams are being studied for medical use and brain longevity.

Racetam supplements are known to work by acting on the glutamate and cholinergic receptors in the brain. Glutamate receptors are abundant in the human brain and are responsible for binding to glutamate. Glutamate is the brains’ most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter. The glutamate to receptor binding plays a huge role in memory formation and learning.

Cholingeric receptors bind with acetylcholine, which is another important neurotransmitter. When acetylcholine gets into the cholingeic system, it tends to have anti-excitatory effects on the central nervous system. Acetylcholine has been shown to increase sensory perception and increase the ability to pay attention. Damage to the cholingeric receptors and the acetylcholine system has been linked with Alzheimer’s and memory problems.

Racetam Nootropic Benefits
Increased Mental Focus
Increased Energy
Learning Enhancement
Memory Improvement
Stress Management
Dyslexia Support
Social Anxiety
General Anxiety
Brain Health
Brain Aging
Neural-protective Effects
Alzheimer’s Support
Depression Assistance
Verbal/Communication Support

Disclaimer: These benefits are generalized to user specific experiences and may vary from person to person. No result is guaranteed. These are supplements but are regulated in some countries (we do not ship there). Use with caution and at your own risk. Side effects and tolerance can occur in certain supplements.
These are just some of the main benefits of nootropic racetams. The brain is a very complicated mechanism and since everyone is unique one supplement may have different results. It is also important to give the supplement a chance. Many people feel the effects within hours while others may take a few days to a week to feel the full effects. Others find that “stacking“ can activate the synergistic effect and provide the best results.

Many racetam users have had great results with stacking their supplements. Stacking is using the supplement in combination with others in order to obtain synergistic effects. As a first time user of nootropics it is important to be comfortable and start with your own preferences. It is recommended to start with a basic racetam like Piracetam and work up to the more advanced supplements. Eventually you may decide to work another nootropic into a stack but you must do it wisely as nootropics still have warnings and side effects. Nootropics UK modafinil, noopept, adrafinil and others should be taken carefully with deep researching of potential adverse effects. Sometimes tweaking or modifying your stack can have huge advantages to desired effects. Over time, you are likely to become more educated and choose the best stack with the least side effects.

Cycling is another technique nootropic users commonly work into their routine. Unfortunately, effects of these supplements / smart drugs can become less effective overtime as your body gets used to the effects. This can happen quicker than others with certain nootropics. Cycling is when the user takes breaks in between effective supplements to avoid tolerance and loss of beneficial effects. Users may make their own decisions on which time frame the cognitive enhancer becomes inefficient and use this as a gauge to cycle to the next and so on. Sometimes advanced cycling will be used with stacking and involve changing dosages and readjusting.

These are all advanced nootropic staking teqniques that can be learned over time. Follow our blog and sign up for our newsletter to receive new and up to date strategies on nootropics.

Nootropic Side Effects

Unfortunately, not all nootropics are without side effects. Just because they may be a legal supplement in some countries does not mean they may be 100% safe. This is not to scare you or convince you not to try these wonderful cognitive enhancers. If their effects were thought to be a high abuse risk or the pros were to outweigh the cons, such as safety authorities would surly make them illegal. The fact that nootropics can still be purchased and have not been banned does show some government acknowledgement for them. We urge you to use these supplements safely and responsibly to avoid ruining others chances to experience nootropics.

Heed all warnings and read the side effects. Also be responsible with dosage. Use a lower dose to observe the effects and side effects the racetam my cause you and adjust accordingly. Racetams have been proven very safe however there is never a sure thing. Using a lower and responsible dose will lower or eliminate any risk you will have.

Side Effects with Nootropics or smart drugs are more likely to come on as a drug interaction. The most dangerous nootropic we carry is Phenibut. In high doses phenibut will potentiate the effects of alcohol. Drinking heavily on high doses of phenibut can cause the same effects as GHB and can even lead to respiratory depression and even death. Granted this is the worst case scenario, mixing phenibut with any other GABAeric drugs like benzodiazepines is highly ill advised. Mixing to nootropics uk modafinil is also should be done carefully. Just google “modafinil phenibut stack”. Piracetam and the other nootropics generally mix very well however we always advise to contact your doctor before mixing any medication with racetams just to be on the safe side.

Tolerance can also cause side effects in certain supplements. It is important to read all product descripsions and labels as well as use the proper dosage to avoid these problems. Tolerance to Phenibut can lead to horrible withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms have been compared to benzodiazepine withdrawal on many forums. Other racetams seem to be less of a risk however you can develop tolerance to any supplement. Use racetams responsibly and follow guides to minimize the risk of getting addicted to nootropics.

New to Nootropics? Read Beginner’s Guide

You came across the term nootropics and decided to do some research on it. Many people have never heard of these food supplements and those who have often don’t understand how they work and what they are for. Well, here’s a complete guide that’s going to explain everything you need to know about nootropics uk modafinil, noopept, adrafinil, tianeptine and other noots:

Where Do I Start?
Just like with everything else, we’re going to start at the beginning, with piracetam.

Piracetam is the original racetam that opened up the gates for nootropics. This is a supplement that doesn’t have any stimulant properties, and it’s been around the longest of all UK nootropics. Many human studies were done on the supplement, and it was concluded that it’s safe for everyday use. Furthermore, this supplement offers a ton of benefits like:

– Improved memory and learning capacity

– Creativity boost

– Reduces the risk of cognitive decline ( keeps your brain cells working as they should)

– Improved cognitive impairment ( Piracetam slows down the aging process and improves recovery of injuries.)

Piracetam is ideal for beginners, but it’s a standard supplement in most nootropics.

Noopept is another well-known nootropic that has the same effects as Piracetam, only stronger. Only 10 mg of noopept is needed for effective use. The effects it provides are like Piracetam, but it also helps with:

– Reducing anxiety ( many users think of it as a chill pill)

– Boost your mood ( makes you feel happy)

– Increases focus


– Do all the things that Piracetam and Noopept do. UK nootrpoics modafinil is a top notch product we sell.

Choline Bitartrate
Choline is an essential nutrient for our brains, and most of us don’t intake as much as we should. Choline helps in transferring information from our bodies to our brains. Some nootropic supplements can cause headaches, but Choline takes care of that in minutes.

Choline is an essential nutrient for our brains, and most of us don’t intake as much as we should. Choline helps in transferring information from our bodies to our brains. Some nootropic supplements can cause headaches, but Choline takes care of that in minutes.

Is Taking Several Nootropics Together Possible?
Of course, it is! In fact, taking a couple of different nootropics together is best because they work better in synergy. Always take choline with nootropics because it reduces side effects and amplifies the effects of other nootropics.

ALCAR and Noopept
This is a great nootropic stack for beginners. ALCAR or Acetyl L-Carnitine increases memory while decreasing anxiety levels. It also clears out your thoughts and protects your brain from damage because it works as an antioxidant. Taking these two nootropics together will result in a calm focus as it eliminates the negative effects of stress.

Caffeine and Theanine
Caffeine is a popular supplement that’s widely used by many people because it’s found in coffee. Unrefined caffeine in coffee results with crashes and jitters, but the caffeine found in nootropic supplements increases our motivation, mental energy, and focus. The theanine is added to the caffeine to get rid of negative side-effects and provide a smooth stimulating experience.

Piracetam and Noopept
These nootropic supplements are safe for everyday use, and they function as an excellent foundation for other nootropics. Noopept increases the benefits of piracetam with an extra kick.

Aniracetam is stronger racetam, and it’s often stacked with other nootropics. It helps your central nervous system work better, and it increases levels of glutamate. This neurotransmitter leads to higher cognitive functions.

Oxiracetam is a racetam with an extra kick. It improves memory, focus, and cognitive function much like other racetams, but it also has some stimulant properties that help with increasing motivation and decreasing fatigue. It’s good for reading and improving verbal abilities.

This is a derivative of piracetam with potent stimulating properties. It increases the mental and physical energy, and it provides the usual benefits of racetams.

Adrafinil is another nootropic that has stimulating effects. It provides motivation and fights off fatigue, but it’s not safe for everyday use. When you need something to stay up all night, or if you need some extra mental energy – adrafinil is the key. UK nootropics modafinil is similar to adrafinil, adrafinil is modafinil prodrug.

Alpha GPC
Alpha GPC is a supplement that’s packed with choline. It increases the choline levels in the brain, but it also increases levels of the growth hormone. Alpha GPC is one of the most potent nootropics, and it benefits our sleep, energy production, reduces weight, and many other benefits. It’s so powerful – you can use it without a stack.

NALT (N-Acetyl-Tyrosine)
NALT is a potent form of L-Tyrosine, which is an amino acid. This acid increases dopamine levels in our brains and protects it from toxic matters. NALT helps us cope with stress, and it neutralizes side effects of other nootropics.

What Can I Take To Reduce Stress and Anxiety?

Stress and anxiety are a major problem for many people around the world, but the good news is that nootropics can help you cope with them.

Phenibut is great for reducing stress. It floods the brain with GABA which helps us function in a calm way. Taking this supplement will reduce stress and anxiety, but it also counteracts effects of other supplements, so it’s best you take it without a stack.

L-Theanine is often added to nootropic supplements to neutralize negative side effects, but it also works to relieve stress, and it also works as a sleeping aid. Sleep is essential for healthy cognitive function, so it’s easy to see that L-Theanine has lots of benefits in the long run.

Tianeptine is just what you need to start the morning with a surge of energy. It reduces anxiety and boosts our mood, but it’s also a good pain killer. You won’t have any trouble getting out of bed anymore.

nootropics help
Are Nootropics UK modafinil, adrafinil, noopept Good Before a Workout?
Nootropics are exactly what you need before an exhausting physical activity.

Adrafinil is a great supplement that should be used only a couple of times a week. It increases both physical and mental energy levels, as well as focus.

Noopept works great with all pre-workout supplements. It gives you more energy and more importantly – focus. You can’t workout properly without focus!

Caffeine and Theanine
When you need an extra kick but you can’t handle heavy stimulants, the combination of these two supplements will give you all the energy and focus you need, but without any negative side-effects.


As you can see, nootropics provide an extensive list of benefits we all need. These supplements will help you get through your day easier while keeping your brain functioning in a calm way. You can combine them in a stack to unlock your true potential. What are you waiting for?