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What is Gabapentin?

Gabapentin (brand name Neurontin) is an anticonvulsant medication. It can be used as a treatment for seizures when the patient has epilepsy, it eases certain kinds of nerve pain, and it is sometimes used to treat anxiety and the feeling of inner pressure.

Gabapentin is a prescription drug in the UK, which means that you need to have a serious cause if you wish to use it. Adult patients are prescribed Gabapentin as a treatment of neuroparalytic pains. Additionally, it is used when treating adults with fractional cramps with secondary generalization and without. Generic Neurontin is generally used as a secondary medication when treating the same conditions in children under 12 years old.

How should Gabapentin be taken?

When being treated used generic Neurontin, you can take it regardless of your food intake. Keep in mind, that you cannot suddenly stop taking this medicine if you need to cancel its use or switch to another medicine. In such a case, it’s dosage should be gradually reduced over a period of a week.
Similarly, when you begin treatment with Gabapentin, it is recommended to gradually build up to the necessary dosage. During the first day of the treatment you should only take 300mg of generic Neurontin. The next day the dosage is increased to 600 mg. And on the third day, you can begin taking 300mg tablets 3 times per day. The dosage of 900 mg is the most common dosage for patients over 12 years old. However, there are cases when the dosage of this medicine should be raised to 3600mg or even 4800mg per day.
Studies have shown that it is meaningless to further increase the dose of Gabapentin since it will only result in lower levels of bioavailability. As a result, the time between one dose and the next one should not be more than 12 hours to avoid the risk of renewed spasms.
The optimal dosage for children is determined by their weight and age and should always be discussed with your doctor.

Dosage forms and precautions

Gabapentin is sold in the form of tablets. When being treated using this drug you do not need to be under any special laboratory control. This drug works well in combination with other anticonvulsants.
If you have a chronic kidney disease, you should consult with your doctor before taking this drug since the dosage of Gabapentin in such a case should be lowered.
It is very important to ensure that you take Gabapentin as prescribed. If you have taken a large dose of this drug, you should immediately go to the ER. Furthermore, it is important to tell your doctor about all the drugs and substances that you are taking (even if it is only natural supplements) to ensure that it is safe for you to take this medicine.

No studies have been conducted on the use of Gabapentin by pregnant women. Thus, you should only use this drug during absolute emergencies, if you are pregnant. Additionally, this drug should not be used by breastfeeding women.

If you notice any adverse reactions as a result of taking Gabapentin, you should consult your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to continue using this medicine.
To avoid suffering from an allergic reaction, do not take generic Neurontin if you are allergic to it or any of its components.

Gabapentin may impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle, so it is important to avoid driving or doing anything else that is dangerous and needs you to be highly focused.

What is the dosage of Gabapentin?

The required intake of Gabapentin may vary depending on what condition is being treated, your physical health, and your response to this drug.

Neuropathic pain should be treated using a dose of 300mg 3 times per day. The dosage can be increased to ensure that the analgesic effect is achieved. The maximum dosage should not exceed 3600mg of Gabapentin per day.

Epilepsy is also treated using a dose that ranges from 900mg to 3600mg per day. The treatment is started with a dose of 900mg per day and depending on the patient’s response to this drug may be increased. The daily dosage should be separated into 3 parts and taken at regular intervals throughout the day. No more than 12 hours should pass between one dose and the next to avoid a renewal of seizure activity.

The dosage for children under the age of 12 years old is different and is determined by your doctor.
Serum blood levels of Gabapentin should not be monitored even if you are taking additional anti-seizure drugs.

People with chronic kidney disease will need to take a lower dose of Gabapentin, since their conditions lowers their ability to excrete this drug from their system.
Gabapentin and alcohol

In the majority of cases the side effects of taking Gabapentin are fairly mild. However, any consumption of alcohol can drastically increase the likelihood and the severity of adverse effects caused by this medication.


Overdosing on Gabapentin can be fatal especially when this medicine is combined with other drugs. Unfortunately, there is no antidote for this type of overdose. There have been reports of people trying to overdose on Gabapentin by taking 49 or even more grams of this substance. The following are the signs of Gabapentin overdose:

  • Labored breathing
    Slurred speech
    Marked sedation
    Double vision
    Lethargy or excitement

In case of an overdose, you should immediately call an ambulance. To prevent severe kidney damage, hemodialysis might be needed.

Drug interaction

When being prescribed Gabapentin, you should tell your doctor about all the drugs that you are taking since it’s OK to take some medications, while others are strictly forbidden.
Gabapentin is often taken in combination with other anti-seizure drugs; however, it is up to your doctor to decide the correct combination.
It permissible to take Gabapentin while also taking oral contraceptives which contain ethinylestradiol and/or norethindrone.
If you’ve been taking antacids that contain magnesium and aluminum, then you need to wait for at least 2 hours before taking this drug.
Gabapentin should be taken with great caution if you’ve also been prescribed painkillers (especially morphine), sleeping pills, and drugs for treating depression
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
It is important to consult with your doctor if the benefits of using Gabapentin outweigh the possible negative effects that this drug may have on your child if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. No studies have been conducted whether it is safe or not to take this drug in such a scenario.
Gabapentin has been detected in breast milk, but the effect that is has on the baby has not been studied. Thus, it should only be taken by breastfeeding women if it is absolutely necessary.

Gabapentin side effects

Gabapentin can result is a whole range of different side effects that affect various systems of your body. Consult with your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms.
General side effects

  • Headache
    Flu-like symptoms
    Casual injuries
    Weight gain

Digestive system side effects

  • Diarrhea
    Increased appetite
    Dry mouth

Nervous system side effects

  • Ataxia
    Walk disorder


  • Respiratory system side effects
  • Dermatological reactions
    Skin rash

Cardiovascular system side effects
Arterial hypertension
Vasodilatation symptoms

  • Musculoskeletal system side effects
  • Urinary system side effects
    Urinary tract infections

All of the side effects mentioned above usually range from mild to moderate
Gabapentin is frequently used in combination therapy along with other anti-seizure drugs, which is why it is important to figure out whether the side effects that you are experiencing are caused by generic Neurontin or other drugs.

Side effects in children

Children usually have milder side effects as a result of treatment than adults. They include the following:

  • Weight gain
    Viral infection
    Nausea and/or vomiting
    Infections of upper airways
    Emotional lability

Treatment discontinuation

  • You should contact your doctor about canceling treatment using Gabapentin if you experience the following adverse effects:
    Gabapentin severe side effects
    In rare cases, Gabapentin can result in a number of severe or even life-threatening side effects. Any of these side effects are a sign that treatment using this medicine should be stopped.
    Urinary incontinence
    Severe allergic reactions
    Renal failure
    Movements disorders
    Increased liver enzyme activity
    Glucose levels instability in diabetic
    Breast pain


If you have been taking Gabapentin for a long while it may be dangerous for you to abruptly stop taking this drug. Sudden discontinuation can result in a variety of withdrawal symptoms. Gabapentin dosage should be gradually decreased for weeks or even months. Such an approach will minimize the withdrawal symptoms or even prevent them entirely.

  • withdrawal symptoms
    Arterial hypertension


Just like any other medicine, Gabapentin should be stored in a dark, dry place out of reach of children and pets.
Gabapentin indications
Neuropathic pain
Monotherapy or as part of polytherapy of epilepsy seizures with or without secondary generalization

Gabapentin contraindications
This drug should not be given to children younger than 3 years old.
Do not take this drug if you are allergic to it or its components.
Chronic kidney disease may prevent you from taking a pill.

Gabapentin treatment should not be stopped abruptly, since it will increase the likelihood of a seizure and may result in withdrawal symptoms.
Before you are familiar with how your body responds to Gabapentin treatment, you should avoid driving a motor vehicle, working with heavy machinery, and avoid any other dangerous situations that demand constant attention.
People with chronic kidney disease may need to take a lower dosage of Neurontin to achieve the same effect.

Frequently asked questions

Can Gabapentin be used to get high?
Gabapentin can result in a sense of calm or euphoria that resembles marijuana-high. However, recreational use of Gabapentin very often leads to severe side effects and withdrawal symptoms that far outweigh the high that it may provide.


Gabapentin is not physically addictive and it does not make the same changes to the brain as opioids. It does, however, result in increased tolerance which means that you will need to use a higher dose of Gabapentin to achieve the same effect. It is also dangerous to quickly stop using this medication.

Is Gabapentin a controlled substance?

Gabapentin is not a controlled substance, but it does require a prescription if you wish to buy it at the local pharmacy or online.

Where can I buy Gabapentin online?

Buying Gabapentin without having a prescription at a local pharmacy is impossible. However, it is fairly easy to find an online drug store in the UK USA, Australia that sells Gabapentin that doesn’t require you to provide a prescription. Tablets of Gabapentin 300mg and 600mg are most common, but other dosages are also available.


300mg, 600mg


10, 50, 100, 300


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